Regulated Information

To the shareholders:

LONDON - December 21, 2015 at 09:45 hours

The board of directors of the Company ("Board") makes this announcement regarding the availability of interim accounts of the Company for 2015.

The delay in finalising and publishing the annual accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December of 2014 ("2014 Accounts"), about which the Company has made previous announcements, has in turn affected the preparation of interim accounts during the course of 2015. The interim accounts naturally follow on from and are based on the 2014 Accounts and whilst uncertainties existed over the 2014 Accounts, the Board did not feel it appropriate to publish interim accounts for 2015. The Company was furthermore awaiting the transfer of administration regarding the first half of 2015 of one of its subsidiaries.

The Board anticipates being able during the course of January or in case of unexpected delays February 2016 to publish both the consolidated half year accounts for the period from January to June 2015 and the consolidated quarterly interim accounts for the period from January to September 2015.


Shareholders intending to attend the annual general meeting of the Company on 22 December 2015 in person or whose proxy or corporate representative will attend in person are reminded to read the notes attached to the notice of the meeting in order to ensure that they have with them all necessary documentation to be entitled to gain access to the meeting, and that only shareholders registered by name in the shareholders register maintained by Capita Registrars or their duly appointed proxies and corporate representatives will be granted access to the meeting.

Shareholders intending to attend the annual general meeting of the Company on 22 December 2015 in person or whose proxy or corporate representative will attend in person are also reminded that everyone wishing to enter the building in which the meeting will be held must be in possession of and show to security personnel valid photographic identification.

The Board intends to publish notes of the meeting on the Company's website within two weeks following the meeting.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak

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