Regulated Information
To the shareholders:
LONDON-OCTOBER 6, 2014 - 17:00 hours
Following the press release of August 28, 2014, the current board members of OIM continue to be in the process of attempting to ascertain and determine the financial position of the Company. Progress has been made. It has, nevertheless, become clear that the process cannot be finalised at this stage.
The board is very much aware that the shareholders desire and require insight regarding the interim accounts and a definite decision regarding both the suspension of the shares and payment of the dividends. The board wishes to meet these valid demands and has therefore commenced investigative legal proceedings, through which the board aims to complete this process as soon as practically possible.
Please be advised that the board members will carry on their efforts in providing clarity to the shareholders within as short a term as possible. We note however, that the timing and extent to which this will be possible, will largely depend on the outcome of aforementioned investigative proceedings.
In the meantime, the board of directors regrets to inform you that the suspension of both the shares and the payment of dividends will continue for now and until there is sufficient certainty regarding the financial position of the Company. For these same reasons, which are beyond the control of the current board members, OIM is unable to publish the interim accounts at this time.
The board aims to be able to provide an update at the end of November 2014. As the completion of the financial assessment of the company will in part depend on the course of the aforementioned investigative proceedings, it is noted that this update may be of an interim nature only.
Any formal announcements and updates from the board will, as before, be made through press releases on this website.
Board of Directors
Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak