Regulated Information

To the shareholders:

LONDON - January 22, 2015 at 12:00 hours
As reported at note 25 on page 60 of the annual report and accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2013, Quivest B.V. was indebted to the Company in the sum of €1.25 million.

According to the most recent financial information available to the current board of directors of the Company ("Board"), the receivable which the Company claims from Quivest B.V. had increased to approximately €1.8 million.

As a result of an application to the Dutch district court, Quivest B.V. was declared bankrupt on 20 January 2015. The Board does not currently know whether the Company will be able to recover this sum from Quivest B.V. or what the consequences of the bankruptcy may be on those prospects, but will bring further information to the attention of shareholders when appropriate in due course.

The bankruptcy does not affect the validity of the settlement reached and referred to in the press release dated January 21, 2015.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak

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