Regulated Information

Results poll vote AGM

July 24, 2014

The Board of Directors of the company informs the market of the results of a poll vote on the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) on 24 June 2014.

A poll was taken on all resolutions on the agenda and the results of today's poll are:
Resolutions 1 – 7 and 11 – 13 have been voted down. Resolutions 8, 9 and 10 were withdrawn prior to the AGM. Accordingly, Marius Ritskes (CEO), Ronald Verhoef (CFO), Thomas Ackerly (Chairman) and Santiago Kalf have not been re-elected to the Board of Directors. Marius Ritskes was removed from the Board on July 23. Ernst & Young have not been re-appointed as auditors of the company.

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